Helena Youth Soccer Association

President's Pitch

Dear HYSA members, I am happy to be writing my first letter to the membership since I became President of the HYSA Board last September.  The club is experiencing a time of change and growth, which I hope will create opportunities for us to continue to improve our programs for HYSA players and families.  As part of that growth, we sent out a membership survey to solicit feedback about our communication to you and ways we can improve.  We have incorporated your feedback in our planning for the coming year.  This newsletter is one part of an overall effort to improve our communication to you.

Several members who participated in the membership survey had questions about the  2024 Spring program registration fees, which increased per player to $520 for Arsenal, $265 for Academy, $110 for HYSL, and $70 for Micro.  The increase was necessary due to greater operating costs caused by inflation, but it was also approved so that we could expand our staff to include Directors of Coaching and Academy.  These focused Directors will advance the development of our players throughout our programs.  The club has already seen the benefits through the launching of an indoor program, a club play day in the fall, and re-tooled team assessments, to name a few of the initiatives.  See the program pages for information on how registration and team fees are utilized for each program:


We recognize that the cost increase, especially combined with the need to purchase new Arsenal uniforms this year, may create financial strain for families.  Kids should be able to play soccer, regardless of financial status.  If the increased costs will impact whether your child can play, we want to try to help.  Please email our Executive Director regarding any need for Financial Assistance and find more information about Financial Aid HERE .

Another issue we are tackling is the need for more active volunteers within the club.  Many of you already serve as coaches, managers, referees, and in other roles - and your service is very much appreciated.  We are hoping to recruit more of you, especially because HYSA will be hosting two state tournaments this spring.   We are asking each Academy and Arsenal team to list two adults to help the tournament committee members as field marshals, set-up or clean-up crew, and many other tasks. Volunteers will be able to choose the time and tasks that best work for them.  Please keep an eye out for further information about these opportunities.

Thanks again to those who participated in the membership survey and to those who have otherwise provided feedback on what HYSA does well and on ways we can improve.  I am excited about the new opportunities ahead and look forward to seeing you on the pitch this spring!

Amy Christensen