Arsenal Corner
Our Arsenal program has been busy preparing for Spring 2024, with eight teams competing at the Premier level, hoping to win their division’s state cup and move on to USYS regional play.
Our Director of Coaching, Pete Johnson, has been busy preparing teams, placing players, and getting ready for the upcoming scheduling of the Premier League, then the Scheduling Room for our Select and MYSA Academy teams.
Starting in the Fall with Assessment Nights and evenings for all Arsenal-level teams, Pete is getting to know our players and coaches. Assessment nights saw outdoor nighttime lighting for the first time at Siebel Soccer Complex; it was exciting for the players and coaches.
Pete is building community with our teams, suggesting we attend tournaments together and holding a club day as he did in October last year for training, small-sided games, and fun and BBQ lunch.
Helena Youth Soccer Association will field eleven teams to play in the Montana Youth Soccer Association’s Spring Select & MYSA Academy (U12 & U11) Leagues.
Arsenal Tips: Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. This includes efforts during practice and games and being responsible for your player gear.